With Professor Dienaba (doesn't she look like a French teacher?) |
Our class started with a comprehensive exam, of which we both got about 50% correct, and finished with us each writing an essay about our month in Dakar. For someone who "sucks at French", Sara was able to communicate a thoughtful piece in French, and I think she's come a long way since needing to be reminded of how to conjugate the present tense of the verb "to be" on Tuesday.
(English version per Google translate)
In Dakar, we learned a lot. Julienne learned the French language and I learned that my teachers are very patient. We listened to the music of Senegal, we eat many types of Senegalese cuisine, and we found many neighborhoods in Dakar.
We took pictures of a busy city, amicable and complicated. For this trip, Julienne and I have a blog, and we share our time in Dakar with our families and friends. I hope they understand that Dakar is an important city for Senegal and for all of West Africa.
When I arrived in Dakar, it was very hot and I was immediately pleased to start our holiday in a city with a warm climate. After three or four days, I hoped the snow. Today, I prefer the heat and wind.
I am very pleased that we decided to start our holiday in Dakar and with French class. I know that other countries have very large "shoes to fill."
In Dakar, we learned a lot. Julienne learned the French language and I learned that my teachers are very patient. We listened to the music of Senegal, we eat many types of Senegalese cuisine, and we found many neighborhoods in Dakar.
We took pictures of a busy city, amicable and complicated. For this trip, Julienne and I have a blog, and we share our time in Dakar with our families and friends. I hope they understand that Dakar is an important city for Senegal and for all of West Africa.
When I arrived in Dakar, it was very hot and I was immediately pleased to start our holiday in a city with a warm climate. After three or four days, I hoped the snow. Today, I prefer the heat and wind.
I am very pleased that we decided to start our holiday in Dakar and with French class. I know that other countries have very large "shoes to fill."
(French version per Sara--minus the accents needed to convey the true meaning of each word)
A Dakar, nous avons appris beaucoup de choses. Julienne a appris la langue francais et j'ai
appris que mes professeurs sont tres
patients. Nous avons ecoute la musique senegalaise, nous avons mange
beaucoup de types de cuisine senegalaise, et nous avon decouvert beaucoup de
quartiers a Dakar.
Nouse avons pris des photos de une ville active, amicable et
compliquee. Pour ce voyage, Julienne et moi avons un blog, et nous avons
partage notre temps a Dakar avec nos famailies et nos amis. J’espere qu’ils
comprennent que Dakar est une ville importante pour le Senegal et pour toute l’Afrique
de l’ouest.
Quand je suis arrivee a Dakar, il faisait tres chaud et j’etais
immediatement heureuse de commencer nos vacances dans une ville avec un climat
chaud. Apres trois ou quatre jours, j’ai espere la neige. Aujourd’hui, j’aime
las chaleur et prefer le vente.
Je suis tres heureuse que nous avons decide de commencer nos
vacances a Dakar et avec la classe de francaise. Je sais que les autres pays a tres grande “shoes
to fill”.